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La historia de Smokey

Explore la historia del oso Smokey

Smokey Bear leans on his mailbox and reads a letter.

Desde 1944, Smokey trabaja arduamente para inspirar a los estadounidenses a prevenir incendios en áreas naturales. Siga su historia aquí, a través de mensajes impresos, por radio, televisión, y objetos de interés.

2023: Smokey is Within - Friends (:30)
2023: Smokey is Within - Geared Up Granny (:30)
2023: Smokey is Within - Campfire
Person with a bucket of water near their campfire, Smokey's reflection appears in the water on the ground. Text reads "Smokey Bear is within us all. For wildfire prevention tips, visit"
2023: Smokey is Within - Hot Coals
Person properly disposing of hot coals from a grill. Smokey appears in the reflection of the car in front of them. Text reads "Smokey Bear is within us all. For wildfire prevention tips, visit"
2024: Decades (:60)
2024: Smokey's 80th Birthday - 1950s
Smokey standing next to campers sitting near a fire, text reads 80 years of preventing wildfires together
2024: Decades (2:20)
2024: Smokey's 80th Birthday - 1970s
Smokey standing next to a car with a travel trailer attached, text reads 80 years of preventing wildfires together
2024: Smokey's 80th Birthday - 1980s
Smokey standing next to campers, text reads "80 years of preventing wildfires together"
2024: Decades (:30) Radio
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